Friday, November 13, 2009

Actor's Wife: 'My Husband Had Sex With Servant Maid'

Currently, the Bollywood circuit is getting heated up due to the spat between the legendary actor Om Puri and his journalist wife Nandita Puri as the latter had written about her husband’s sexual escapades in the biography. She wrote that her husband had sexual trysts with servant maid and many more in his life so far.

However, there is another version which seems to be making strong rounds.

Apparently, sources say that all this is a publicity stunt which the couple have resorted to and reveal that it is Om who gave the advice and is now creating trouble. They also add that the couple is making gossip sound like fact and that way building publicity mileage for the book.

However, those close to the actor have quashed this as a baseless rumor and say that given his fame and status, they don’t have to resort to such things. While the debate is on regarding the authenticity of the controversy, money sure seems to be flowing in for the couple due to the sexuality of the book.

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